Classic Sloppy Joe

Classic Sloppy Joe

I cannot count the number of times I’ve made and/or eaten Sloppy Joe.  We ate sloppy joe frequently as children and it’s a goto dish when simple comfort food is ordered up.

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Sloppy Joe - The roundup

Sloppy Joe - The roundup

Sloppy Joes and its brethren, legitimate or not, are like other dishes of our collective youth that foster self-definition. That is to say that although you may eat many meatloaf in your life, Meatloaf - the capital M meatloaf is more often than not that of your youth.  For many of us this is a good thing.  Lasagna, Baked chicken and Goulash all fall into the same boat.  In spite of the often sorry attempts to commercialize and homogenize Sloppy Joes this remains a dish where the strongest associations are those of our youth.

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Bulgogi Sloppy Joe

Bulgogi Sloppy Joe

If you are tired of ground beef sloppy joes or are looking to bring classic Korean flavors to the table, then this dish fits the bill.

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New Years Pork Loin - Porchetta Style

New Years Pork Loin - Porchetta Style

It’s funny how food traditions begin and perpetuate.  Is it conceivable that those that do not ingest pork and sauerkraut on New Years day suffer ill will in the coming year?  The South didn’t get that message as the grocery stores overflow with Collard Greens, Hopping John and Ham hocks.  Have you noticed the abundance of Brisket at the meat counter?

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Adding Yummly support

Adding Yummly support

I’ve made a few changes to the blog recently - one of which is visible at the top of each recipe post - the Yum button.

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